
Cut and...

Paste magazine: Just in case you have not been made aware... this is a good idea.


Anonymous said...

music that isn't christian? I'm offended!


Anonymous said...

Is it anything like tooth paste? Cause toothpaste is great. Especially after you've woken up and have been compelled to brush your teeth due to the very unpleasant taste caused by several downings of your own saliva. That's just nasty. Thank God for tooth paste. I'm sure that mag is cool too, though. Thanks for the suggestion, Jenn.

Jess said...

Yikes! That's an expensive magazine. $50 for 16 issues is a bit out of my price range...can I borrow your used ones? :)

Jenn Swift said...

There had been a deal around Christmas that you could get two subscriptions for $30... that's one to keep your eyes open for.

Josh and Cammie Delph said...

I saw this in the bookstore last week, and I loved it. I think it's well worth the money.

JR Tschopp said...

My cousin Jared gave me an issue of it with a CD. Pretty cool.